I have this same issue with WebEx meeting invites showing up wrong in iCal. Looking at my WebEx settings, it also says that the timezone is 'Pacific Daylight Time' (like my computer): The way the attached image is showing, it appears that Calendar thinks the meeting was set during PST (11:30 am), not PDT (12:30). I cannot find a Date and Time setttings or Calendar settings or version of OS that is a common denominator. Some have the meeting show up at the right time in the calendar view and others do not. RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY INTERVAL=1 BYDAY=2SU BYMONTH=3 BYHOUR=2
RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY INTERVAL=1 BYDAY=1SU BYMONTH=11 BYHOUR=2 PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN Here is what the iCal looks like (with slight editing for privacy):